
Our journey

So why did we decide to make a shift in our lifestyle? Our world is changing. How can we do our part to help our changing world? Especially our island. We’ve always loosely tried to select healthier options for our life in terms of food, household items, and anything related to our child, but we’ve never been super firm in our choices. Yes, we use reusable water bottles to lessen the impact of plastics on our ocean, but we still stock up on plastic water bottles when it’s hurricane season. Yes, we get our weekly CSA box of groceries, but we still shop at the grocery store. There is a give and take. This is a process to decrease the toxins in our everyday lives, lessen our impact on our natural environment, and try to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Follow along! Or even better, join us in taking this journey one step at a time!

Step 1 (CSA): It isn’t always easy to pick the healthier option. It also isn’t always as economical. Originally we didn’t like the idea of having our produce selected for us, but we decided to try out the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program because the farmers markets were closed. It is like bringing the farmer’s market to your doorstep. The fact that we knew where our produce was coming from and we were supporting local farmers was a bonus. This was the start of our journey at the beginning of the pandemic.

Step 2 (essential oil beginnings): Since the pandemic began, we’ve been in our house way more than usual, with child in tow. Cleaning happens once a week, and the products we use aren’t safe for children to use. Our daughter who is 5 is very into “cleaning day.” She insisted on helping scrub the tub and shower, so what does a parent do? I take out a little jar, fill it with baking soda and a few drops of lemon oil, put a tin foil cover on it, and poke holes. Instant kid friendly shower/tub scrub! Essential oils to the rescue!

Step 3 (purging): So how can you eliminate single use plastics from your household? We started with detergent. Typically we do our Costco run and the giant orange Tide liquid detergent is our go-to for washing clothes. We did try the Tide pods once and the scent was overbearing! After some research, we came across dropps®. You can read more about our thoughts on dropps® in “features.” With detergent checked off, we ventured into hand soap. Bar soap would probably be the least wasteful, but with a five year old in the house, a dispenser type of hand soap would be easier. The decision to try out BLUELAND was based mostly on their ingenious way of trying to eliminating single use plastics. Check out our review in “features.”